1. Installing

Bleson is currently only compatible with Python 3.

1.1. Linux

$ sudo pip3 install bleson


To run scripts without having to run as root to acced the Bluetooth LE adapter you can use the setcap utility to give the Python3 binary necessary permission, for example:

sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip $(eval readlink -f `which python3`)


It’s currently not necessary to stop the bluetoothd service for observing, but because Bleson uses the HCI socket interface directly, it is recommended.

For example, on a Raspberry Pi run:

sudo service bluetooth stop

1.2. macOS

$ pip3 install bleson

You may have to use sudo if you are not using homebrew.


On Mac the system bundled Python is version 2, you will need Python 3 from Python.


Currently only macOS 10.12+ is supported, soon to be resolved (and support macOS 10.9+) when PyObjC 4.1 is released.

1.3. Windows 10

$ pip install bleson


Only Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (build 16299) has been tested and known to work.

Earlier version of Windows are not supported, and are unlikely to ever be.


You must use pip v9.0 or newer to be able to install bleson’s precompiled native components (‘wheels’) on Mac and Windows.*


The bleson module depends on an native module, blesonwin, it will be automatically installed. The ‘blesonwin’ binary (wheel) pacakges have been pre-built for 32bit and 64bit architectures for Python 3.5 and Python 3.6

1.4. MicroPython

A port of MicroPython to the Apache MyNewt OS with Bluetooth LE support and a native module implementation of the Bleson API is under development for:

  • micro:bit
  • Adafruit Feather nRF52 Pro
  • RuuviTag
  • nRF51 dev kit
  • nRF52 dev kit

Firmware images are downloadable from TheBubbleworks. The Advertiser and Beacon examples should work as is.


It’s very alpha, currently only supporting very basic Advertising (name only) or Physical Web beacons.


Regarding the micro:bit release

There is currently 64k of flash space free, but there is no filesystem currently exposed to uPY (also the micro:bit libraries aren’t currently included), so you have to send the script via the USB serial REPL after every power on, for now.

When you do paste if you use a terminal emulation program that can add inter character delays of around 8ms, e.g. CoolTerm available on all the major platforms, you will have more luck pasting text in without characters going missing.